claude needs some more clothes.
everything he had was in a small plastic shopping bag.
"claude" is a little boy who has come to the u.s. from africa for a surgery. he is an orphan. he has never been in such a cold place before.
on reading those sentences i wanted to shower him with gifts of warm clothing. i have nothing that's his size.
so i gave claude a scarf.
because i gave it away before i remembered to take a picture, there is no photo of the scarf for posting here. instead, there is a short awkward story.

i churned out a ribbed scarf in no time at all. the yarn is super bulky weight, after all. the scarf ended up being a lot darker than i had expected. i didn't know it was a self-striping yarn, and i didn't know how much of it would be charcoal grey or dark blue. only a tiny section in the middle of the scarf showed the light colors i had obsessed about. i decided to make the scarf a giveaway, but because the yarn had been so expensive, i thought, "i'll give this one to a family member instead of donating it to church."
i kept feeling a little bit guilty about that. my materialism continues to disappoint me. do poor people not deserve nice things?
evidently i am not naturally charitable. i am glad that the two sentences in that e-mail prompted me to do the right thing.
claude needs some more clothes.
everything he had was in a small plastic shopping bag.
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