What knitting does for your reputation
Please allow me to clarify.
I am not a badass. It's just that sometimes people at work or church ask me questions as though I were one. Questions about my motorcycle (I do not own one) or my tattoos (I have none) or how many men I've killed and the like. Maybe it's my haircut.
I think all y'all know that inside, I'm a kitten. Actually, a bunny. A fuzzy bunny. With tiger stripes. A CamoBunny. Hiding is more my thing. Quiet hiding is advantageous. Example: in paintball, I was always elected to the position of sniper; because I'm small and quiet and able to stay still (and I own my own camo) I was good at hiding. Being a sniper in paintball does not require good aim; paintball guns are always off anyway.
In any case, I'm not exactly sure what knitting has done for my reputation. Someone once called me "domestic" (haaaaaaahahahahaha!) because one day to a volunteer workshift I had brought cookies I'd made from scratch and was knitting to pass the time. Most people just look kind of confused and stay quiet, or ask me if I'm pregnant. Maybe the ones who stay quiet are silently judging me for getting pregnant. (I'm not pregnant.)
Really, I think what it does is make me just a little more difficult to pigeonhole. How I do enjoy defying expectations.
Okay. Enough of that. Here's the pic that got me started on the topic in the first place.

According to Yarnboy, from whom I ganked this image, the Crowe didn't even know how to knit. He was just posing for the picture to maybe appear sensitive. A POSER KNITTER? (snort of derision!) He really does look like quite a dope. I have never been a fan of Russell Crowe. This does not help him. But Yarnboy says the Crowe has now learned to knit as a form of anger management (chuckle). I don't know, maybe giving pointy sticks to a man with obvious anger problems isn't the brightest of ideas.

Oops, gotta go!
maybe when we get together we should do some ridiculous poses like that and take pictures. "seriously sensitive."
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