bunnies from the bunny
i know...

... but i don't FEEL like making any more bunnies.
i just don't feel like it. i know it's just a simple stockinette square but— eh. and the appendage-making and the finishing— meh.
i have trimmed my bunny list down to two. i have decided that i will give no bunny unsolicited for a long while. especially since an unsolicited bunny, once given, would have a high likelihood of being lost, chewed on, or otherwise destroyed.
and the two bunnies left on my list are to be pink. i've bought the yarn, but i can't bring myself to start them.
i have one incomplete camo-coloured bunny that i was making for someone. it was unsolicited. after having the aforementioned revelation about unsolicited bunnies, i've decided to keep it for myself. so now there is just about NO incentive to finish it, especially since the only steps left are making an i-cord tail and sewing on the ears. blah.
so if you get or have gotten a bunny from the bunny, consider yourself special. because the series is going to be very limited.
I am saving up my PricklePoints to get one (25 down, 475 to go)! Does this count as soliciting?? Please, please, please say yes
Yes. Solicitation noted. :)
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