what i did at work yesterday

okay, not all of this. just the knitting for the pink one. i did the stitching and stuffing yesterday evening at home. it came together much more quickly than i expected.
there's something different about the baby yarns that make the bunnies look a little more laid back. i think i may prefer the perkiness of the bunnies made with the yarns that have more body. i don't know.
i think this is proof that i sort of dislike making and attaching appendages, considering that i finished the body of this camo-coloured bunny over a month ago.
they really are sort of slug-like without the appendages... cute, but sluggy.
one waits with bated breath for the completed work...
slugs? no! slugs are an abomination. and they don't have legs.
turtles maybe. but not slugs.
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