You know what?
Now that I think about it, I think I may have gotten the inspiration for the color scheme I've chosen for the chevron scarf from this.

I must just have it on the brain. These are the fabrics being used to make my living room furniture.
So aside from feeling goofy for having chosen to make a scarf in a scheme that will match my sofa (can you say fuddy-duddy?), I have another concern. Allow me to demonstrate.
I bought five different colors to make the scarf, knowing that this was one color fewer than that in the pattern. This was mostly to save money, because the yarn ended up being costly. I was planning on having bright white be the eye-popping contrast color (taking the place of the acid yellow in the original pattern). However,

I think I may need a sixth color. This color repeat scheme seems too short. I was going for something retro-funky, and what I've got so far is just old-lady.
I think I need an apple green. Now THAT would be a good contrast. But then would white be too white? What would I change it to?
Puffintoad? Any suggestions?
I would also like to report that the pattern to which I linked thoroughly confused me, and I had to do some research and modify it before obtaining any results at all. I am still trying to understand what was written, so that maybe I could frog back and do it "right", but I have a sneaking suspicion that the pattern was transcribed incorrectly from the Debbie Bliss book or slight modifications were made to it either before or after its submission to the goofy teen magazine that re-published it. And I must say, the word "jazzy" in the description makes me want to barf.
Lastly, I hereby officially complain about the price of yarn. Ouch.
it seems to me that slipping two individually purl-wise would be the same thing as slipping two together purlwise.
what i'm doing is k9, slip two together knit-wise, k1, slip both slipped stitches over knit stich, k9... etc.
so what do you think? apple green?
I think Your scarf looks beautiful.. I sure wish I had my Book here to see what the heck the problem is..
Now it has me going buggy !
Lets see what they say in the Blog ???
Love your colors and would love to see the apple green in there.. :)
thanks for checking, penny! like i said, i really think there must have been some transcription error in the version of the pattern available to me. don't worry yourself too much.
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