Next project, please
The problem with posting a "knitting update" as I did in my previous post is that it shows you just how much unfinished work there is to do on my current projects.

Then you wonder if you really ought to be starting this new project that I want to start. Soon. Today.
See, it's cold where I work. I mean, it's hot where I live, but to compensate, they refrigerate the rooms at work. My fingernails turn blue, it's so cold. And you know that I feel a bit unhappier when I am cold, just because I'm cold. I can't wear sweaters to work because a) it's hot outside, b) scrubs are sometimes the attire for the day. So maybe when we're in the conference hall, where I get cold most quickly, I can wear a scarf.
Other problems with starting this scarf?
1) The boredom of knitting a scarf. Yes, it will be in a chevron pattern, so it won't be boring like a stockinette or garter stitch pattern, but still. Scarves are slow going. Irish Hiking Scarf nearly got abandoned/frogged because I found it tedious.
2) It's stripes that are skinny. That means [cue suspensful music] weaving in ends. [shudder]
3) Buying the yarn will be more expensive than I want it to be. The pattern calls for Debbie Bliss Merino DK. I know I don't have to make it with that, but to make a cool looking chevron stripe pattern I'll need at least four, maybe six or seven colors. For DBMDK, six skeins would be $39. For any other yarn that feels decent against the skin, it may be comparable.
4) Weaving in ends.
5) It may take so long (limited time with new job) that I won't be done with it until I have died of hypothermia in the conference room.
I'm going to a yarn store today anyway, on my way home from the furniture store, just to check out what sort of LYS options I have here. I guess we'll see.
Isn't it spiffy? I almost called it retro-chic but that would make it seem overly trendy.
Oooo. We should knit it together! Like a knitalong. And that would justify me starting it! What colors would you use?
I think I may go look for a self-striping yarn, like a sock yarn. I wonder if it would look even remotely as cool.
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